New Hampshire has a new ride matching tool to help you find a transportation option for your commute, destination or event or a single trip such as a medical appointment. Sign up today at CommuteSmartNH.com.

NH Alliance for Healthy Aging launches the Volunteer Driver Program Initiative
New Hampshire Alliance For Healthy Aging has partnered with UNH to launch the Volunteer Driver Program Initiative. This initiatives goal is to highlight the positive impact volunteering for a volunteer driver program has on volunteer drivers and riders and helps connect potential volunteers with a volunteer driver program in their community. Learn more at NHVDP.org.
Meeting Schedule
The Mid-State RCC meets quarterly on the second Tuesday of every third month at 2:00pm. Our next meeting will be held on February 13, 2024 at 2pm in Merrimack County Future In Sight boardroom, 25 Walker St, Concord. This meeting is open to the public. To learn more please call our Mobility Manager at 603-225-1989 ext 1210.
Regional Ride Directory
The Regional Ride Resource Directory is available for full view or download. Please help us keep the directory up-to-date by letting us know of any updates!
Volunteer Driver Program
In addition to several volunteer driver programs in the Mid-State Region each serving their own area of our region (see Volunteer Driver Programs listed under Transportation Options), the Mid-State RCC has established the Volunteer Driver Program which covers our entire region.
Transportation Regions
View or download the map to view all of the Community Transportation Regions in New Hampshire.
Member Organizations
View a list of our member organizations. Links to each organization are also provided.